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The weekly rotating whole grain sourdough loaf from our friends Matt & Zena of Starter Bread! 

Starter Bread bakes everyday loaves with a wide variety of local whole grains and fresh flours. They use a natural sourdough fermentation to create a staple that keeps well and feeds the mind, body, and soul.

Baker's description (1/4):

The bread this week is durum! This Latin word translates to “hard”, which is an apt description for the tough little seed. Its hardness makes it the most challenging of wheats to mill into fine flour. Primarily used for flatbreads in the Middle East, couscous in North Africa, and, of course, pasta in Italy. Buono!

A descendant of ancient emmer wheat, durum is one of the most widely grown grains in the world. Its drought tolerance makes it a fine fit for arid regions. It also bodes well in our Oregon landscape and has been grown a couple hours south of Portland, by our friends at Camas Country Mill, for the last decade. We appreciate its golden yellow color, and like to toast whole berries before cracking them on our countertop stone mill. This aromatic cereal is gently cooked and added to a dough made from both whole grain durum flour and sifted wheat. The result: a toastie loaf with nutrient density (Durum is known for its high levels of lutein and folate!(read: good for your eyes). WooHoo!


Weekly Sourdough

Regular price $10.95
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32oz loaf

The weekly rotating whole grain sourdough loaf from our friends Matt & Zena of Starter Bread! 

Starter Bread bakes everyday loaves with a wide variety of local whole grains and fresh flours. They use a natural sourdough fermentation to create a staple that keeps well and feeds the mind, body, and soul.

Baker's description (1/4):

The bread this week is durum! This Latin word translates to “hard”, which is an apt description for the tough little seed. Its hardness makes it the most challenging of wheats to mill into fine flour. Primarily used for flatbreads in the Middle East, couscous in North Africa, and, of course, pasta in Italy. Buono!

A descendant of ancient emmer wheat, durum is one of the most widely grown grains in the world. Its drought tolerance makes it a fine fit for arid regions. It also bodes well in our Oregon landscape and has been grown a couple hours south of Portland, by our friends at Camas Country Mill, for the last decade. We appreciate its golden yellow color, and like to toast whole berries before cracking them on our countertop stone mill. This aromatic cereal is gently cooked and added to a dough made from both whole grain durum flour and sifted wheat. The result: a toastie loaf with nutrient density (Durum is known for its high levels of lutein and folate!(read: good for your eyes). WooHoo!


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